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Szkoła Letnia w Indonezji

18 października 2019


Wydział Nauk Społecznych i Politycznych Airlangga University w Surabaya (Indonezja) zaprasza wszystkich zainteresowanych na Szkołę Letnią. Termin zgłoszenia wydłużony do 5 listopada. Więcej informacji w ulotce



Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Airlangga


Attendees:      –     Dr. Kamil Zajackowski

  • Myrtati D (Vice Dean)
  • Yuyun Surya, PhD (Faculty’s International Coordinator)
  • Ms Ria (AGE)
  • Ms Mellya (AGE)

Agenda: Academic Cooperation between University of Warsaw, Poland and Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia

Several fields of cooperation that can be developed are:

  1. Students exchange

Winter shortcourse for University of Warsaw students is available. This program is offered by Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Airlangga. Flyers will be sent to Dr. Kamil’s email.

It is expected that FISIP’s students will attend shortcourse during Summer time offered by Faculty of Political Sciences and/or Centre for Europe, University of Warsaw, Poland.

  1. Academic Staff mobility

A one week visit or 2-3 months funded Professor visit to Uni of Warsaw to teach 2 courses (equals to 15 hours).

  1. Requesting Dr. Kamil to be an editorial board member of the Faculty’s Journal (sending manuscript to be reviewed)
  2. Requesting Dr. Kamil to be a consultant for PhD students and examiner for postgrad students (letter of acknowledgement will be sent to Dr Kamil)
  3. Joint Project

Alternative funding scheme: 50-50 (Uni of Warsaw- Uni Airlangga)

Apply research grant from European Commission

Possible theme: EU-Indonesia perspective

  1. Apply for another Jean Monet Program for Joint Conference
  2. Send a softcopy of the revised MoA (Cooperation between The Centre of Europe, the Faculty of Political Sciences Uni of Warsaw and Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Uni Airlangga) to Dr Kamil
  3. It is expected that the MoA will be signed off early next year.
  4. Open call for publication in European Journal for FISIP’s colleagues as it is an interdisciplinary journal and its current status is awaited to be indexed in Scopus
  5. Publish a book contains 10-12 multidisciplinary issue chapters on EU-Indonesia global perscpetives. Expected to be published by Routledge.