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prof. Jan Zielonka


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prof. Jan Zielonka

Prof. Jan Zielonka jest profesorem polityki i stosunków międzynarodowych na Uniwersytecie Weneckim w Cá Foscari oraz profesorem w Centrum Europejskim UW. Poprzednio wykładał na Uniwersytecie Oksfordzkim, Uniwersytecie w Lejdzie i Europejskim Instytucie Uniwersyteckim we Florencji. Jego badania oscylują wokół stosunków międzynarodowych, polityki porównawczej i teorii politycznej. Profesor Zielonka jest autorem osiemnastu książek, w tym Counter-Revolution. Liberal Europe in Retreat (Oxford University Press, 2018, nagrodzonej przez Międzynarodowe Stowarzyszenie Studiów Europejskich UACES i przetłumaczonej na kilka języków), Politics and the Media in New Democracies. Europe in a Comparative Perspective (Oxford University Press, 2015), Is the EU doomed? (Polity Press, 2014) oraz Europe as Empire. The Nature of the Enlarged European Union (Oxford University Press, 2006). W 2023 roku nakładem Yale University Press ukazała się jego nowa książka zatytułowana The Lost Future and How to Regain It.

Prof. Zielonka regularnie publikuje artykuły w Die Zeit, NewStatesman, Social Europe, Open Democracy, Domani, NRC Handelsblad, Diário de Notícias i Rzeczpospolitej.

Fot. Witold Krassowski


The Lost Future and How to reclaim It, (New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 2023). Also published in Polish and Italian.

Counter-revolution. Liberal Europe in Retreat, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018); also published in Italian, German, Korean, Polish and Estonian. Awarded the 2019 UACES prize for the best book on Europe.

Is the EU doomed? (Cambridge: Polity Press 2014), also published in Italian, Polish and Korean.

Europe as Empire. The Nature of the Enlarged European Union, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006); also published in Polish.

Explaining Euro-Paralysis. Why Europe is Unable to Act in International Politics, (London: Macmillan, 1998).

Political Ideas in Contemporary Poland, (Aldershot: Avebury & Gower, 1989).

Pools Experiment. [The Polish Experiment] (Leeuwarden, Holland: Eisma, 1982).

Doktryna Polityczna Brytyjskiej Partii Pracy: 1945-1979.[The Political Doctrine of the British Labour Party: 1945-1979.] (Warsaw: University of Warsaw, 1981), (PhD thesis).


Zredagowane książki i wydania specjalne:

Politics and the Media in New Democracies. Europe in a Comparative Perspective, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015).

Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe: the State of the Art, special section of Eastern European Politics and Society, Vol. 27, No. 3 (2013), Jacques Rupnik, co-editor.

Media and Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe, special issue of International Journal of Press/Politics, Vol. 17, No. 4, (2012), Paolo Mancini, co-editor.

Europe as a Global Power: View from Outside, special issue of Perspectives. Review of International Affairs, Vol. 20, No. 2, (2012), Hartmut Mayer, co-editor.

Democracy and Political Culture in Eastern Europe (London: Routledge, 2007), Hans-Dieter Klingemann and Dieter Fuchs, co-editors.

The Next Great Transformation: The EU Eastward Enlargement. (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2003); Grzegorz Ekiert, co-editor. (Published as a special issue of East European Politics and Society, Vol. 17, No. 1, April 2003).

The Road to the European Union. Vol. 1: The Czech Republic and Slovakia. (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2003); Jacques Rupnik, co-editor.

The Road to the European Union. Vol. 2: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2003), Vello Pettai, co-editor.

Europe Unbound: Enlarging and Reshaping the Boundaries of the European Union. (London: Routledge, 2002), 270 pp.

The Enlarged European Union: Diversity and Adaptation. (London: Frank Cass, 2002); Peter Mair, co-editor. (Also published as a special issue of West European Politics, Vol. 25, No. 2, April 2002).

Democratic Consolidation in Eastern Europe. Vol. 1: Institutional Engineering. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001), 493 pp.

Democratic Consolidation in Eastern Europe. Vol. 2: International and Transnational Factors. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001), 556 pp; Alex Pravda, co-editor.

Paradoxes of European Foreign Policy. (The Hague, London & Boston: Kluwer Law International, 1998), 171 pp.

Human Rights and Security: Europe on the Eve of a New Era. (Boulder & Oxford: Westview Press, 1991), 274 pp; Vojtech Mastny, co-editor.

After the Revolutions: East-West Trade and Technology Transfer in the 1990’s. (Boulder & Oxford: Westview Press 1991), 227 pp; Gary K. Bertsch and Heinrich Vogel, co-editors.

Restructuring Eastern Europe. Towards a New European Order. (Aldershot, England: Edward Elgar Publ., 1990), 222 pp; Ronald J. Hill, co-editor.

Policy Papers:

Europe of Incentives: a survival strategy for the EU, (European Council on Foreign Relations: London, 2012). Mark Leonard, co-author, 45 pp.

Security in Central Europe, Adelphi Paper, no. 272, (International Institute for Strategic Studies: London, 1992), 81 pp.


“Normative Power at War in Ukraine,” European Journal of Social Theory, Vol. 26, No. 4 (2023).

“Democratic Nostalgia,” Global Perspectives, Vol. 4, No. 1, (2023).

“National bonds, foreign policy and the future of Europe,” Ethnopolitics, Vol. 20, No. 1, (2021).

“The Politics of Pandemics,” Global Perspectives, Vol. 1, No. 1 (2020).

“From Revolution to Counter-Revolution: Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe 30 Years On,” Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 72, No. 6, (2020), Jacques Rupnik, co-author.

“The Habsburg Empire: Legacies and Lessons for the EU?” Diplomacy. Austrian Journal of International Studies, No. 1 (2019).

“The remaking of the EU’s borders and the images of European architecture,” Journal of European Integration, Vol. 39, No. 5, (2017).

“The International System in Europe: Westphalian Anarchy or Medieval Chaos? Journal of European Integration, Vol. 35, No. 1, (2013).

“The State of Democracy 20 Years On: Domestic and External Factors,” Eastern European Politics and Society, Vol. 27, No. 3, (2013), Jacques Rupnik, co-author.

“Europe’s new civilizing missions: the EU’s normative power discourse,” Journal of Political Ideologies, Vol. 18, No. 1, (2013).

“Why the World should worry about Europe’s Disarray,” Current History, Vol. 112, No. 750, (2013).

“European Disintegration? Elusive Solidarity,” Journal of Democracy, Vol. 23, No. 4, (2012)

“Media and Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe: Introduction,” International Journal of Press/Politics, Vol. 17, No. 4, (2012), Paolo Mancini, co-author.

“Disintegration Theory: International Implications of Europe’s Crisis,” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 13, Issue 1, (2012).

“Empires and the Modern International System, ” Geopolitics, Vol. 17, No. 3, (2012)

“America and Europe: two contrasting or parallel empires?” Journal of Political Power, Vol. 4, No. 3, (2011).

“The EU as International Actor: Unique or Ordinary?” European Foreign Affairs Review, Vol. 16, No. 3, (2011).

“Europe as a global actor: empire by example?” International Affairs, Vol. 84, No. 3 (2008).

“How to Exercise Europe’s Power”, The International Spectator, Vol. 43, No. 2 (2008).

“Another Unification of Europe,” European View, Vol. 7, No. 1 (2008)

“Poland at the Center of the European Empire,” The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs, Vol. 17, No. 1 (2008).

“Plurilateral Governance in the Enlarged European Union,” Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 45, No. 1, (2007). Also published in Chinese translation in Nankai Journal, No. 3 (2009).

“The Quality of Democracy After Joining the European Union,” East European Politics and Societies, Vol. 21, No. 1 (2007).

“Challenges of EU Enlargement,” Journal of Democracy, Vol. 15, No. 1, (2004).

“Poland’s Road to the European Union,” Journal of European Integration History, Vol. 10, No. 2, (2004), Ania Krok-Paszkowska, co-author.

“Academic Boundaries and Path Dependencies Facing the EU’s Eastward Enlargement,” East European Politics and Society, Vol. 17, No. 1, (2003), Grzegorz Ekiert, co-author.

“Diversity and Adaptation in the Enlarged European Union,” West European Politics, Vol. 25, No. 2 (2002), Peter Mair, co-author.

“How New Enlarged Borders will Reshape the European Union,” Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 39, No. 3 (2001).

“Transatlantic Relations Beyond the CFSP,” The International Spectator, Vol. 25, No. 4 (2000).

“The EU’s Next Big Enlargement: Empirical Data on the Candidates’ Perceptions,” EUI Working Papers, RSC No. 2000/54 (Ania Krok-Paszkowska, co-author).

“Strategic Choices Confronting Democracy Builders in Eastern Europe,” Oxford International Review, Vol. 9, No. 1 (1998/99)

“Misunderstanding Europe,” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 77, No. 6 (1998), William Wallace, co-author. (Also reprinted in several other publications and in different languages).

“Ambiguity as a Remedy for the EU’s Eastward Enlargement?” Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol. XII, No. 1 (1998).

“European Union: Identity in Concentric Circles,” Romanian Journal of International Relations, Vol. 3, No. 3 (1997).

“New Institutions in the Old East Bloc,” The Journal of Democracy, Vol. 5, No. 2 (1994). (Also reprinted in: Larry Diamond and Marc F. Plattner, The Global Resurgence of Democracy, (Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996).

“Conflicts in Europe: the Baltic Countries,” Quaderni Forum, Vol. 8, No. 2 (1994).

“Setting Priorities: the Dutch Approach to Cooperation with Central and Eastern European Countries in the Field of Higher Education and Research,” Issues in Transition, Vol. 7, No. 2 (1994).

“East Central Europe: Democracy in Retreat?” The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 14, No. 3 (1991). (Also reprinted in : U.S. Foreign Policy After the Cold War, Brad Roberts, ed., Boston: MIT Press 1992).

“Europe’s Security: a great confusion,” International Affairs, Vol. 67, No. 1 (1991).

“East-West Trade: is there a way out of the circle?” The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 11, No. 1 (1988).

“Toward a More Effective Policy of Human Rights in Eastern Europe,” The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 11, No. 4 (1988).

“Strengths and Weaknesses of Nonviolent Action: the Polish case,” ORBIS. A Journal of World Affairs, Vol. 30, No. 1 (1986).

“Poland: Four Years After,” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 64, No. 2 (1985/86), (Jerzy Milewski and Kszysztof Pomian co-authors).

“Let Poland be Hungary?” SAIS Review. A Journal of Internatio­nal Affairs, Vol. 4, No. 2 (1984).

“Popular Movements in Poland: The Case of the Committee for Social Self-Defence (KSS KOR),” Alternatives. A Journal of World Policy, Vol. 9, No. 4 (1984).

Rozdziały w książkach:

“A Europe of Reunification?” in The Cambridge History of the European Union, Vol. 1, Mathieu Sergers and Steven Van Hecke, eds. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024), Stefania Bernini, co-author.

“What Future for Politics,” in The Future of the Liberal Order. Helmut K Anheier ed., (London: Routledge, 2022)

Who Should be in Charge of Pandemics? Scientists or Politicians?” in Pandemics, Society and Politics: Critical Reflections on Covid-19 Crisis. Gerard Delanty, ed(Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021)

“The European Union and Global Hegemonic Order,” in Multiple Hegemonies. Twenty-First Century International Order between Hegemony and Post-Hegemony Key-young Son, ed., (Seoul: ARI Press, Korea University, 2021).

“The EU and the European Neighbourhood Policy: the re-making of Europe’s identity,” The Routledge Handbook on the European Neighbourhood Policy, Tobias Schumacher, Andreas Marchetti, Thomas Demmelhuber, eds., (London: Routledge, 2018)

“Fragile Democracy, Volatile Politics, and the Quest for a Free Media,” Politics and the Media in New Democracies. Europe in a Comparative Perspective, Jan Zielonka, ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015).

“European Foreign Relations,” Kurt Almquist and Alexander Linklater, eds., The Pursuit of Europe, (Ax:son Johnson Foundation: Stockholm, 2013).

“Empire,” International Encyclopedia of Political Science, Bertrand Badie, Dirk Berg-Schlosser, and Leonardo Morlino, eds., (Sage: London, 2011)

“European Integration’, International Encyclopedia of Political Science, Bertrand Badie, Dirk Berg-Schlosser, and Leonardo Morlino, eds., (Sage: London, 2011), Christopher Bickerton, co-author

“The Return to Europe: the Final Stage,” in East-Central Europe in European History, Jerzy Kloczowski and Hubert Laszkiewicz, eds., (IES: Lublin, 2009)

“How to govern the enlarged European Union,” in Institutional Challenges in Post-Constitutional Europe, Catherine Moury and Luis de Sousa, eds., (London: Routledge, 2009)

“European Union Enlargement” in European Politics, Colin Hay & Anand Menon,

“Central Europe’s Struggling States,” in Strategic Survey 1991-1992, Francois Heisbourg & Sidney Bearman, ed­itors, (London: Brassey’s for the International Institute for Strategic Studies, 1992).

“Human Rights and Security in a New Europe?” in Human Rights and Security. Europe on the Eve of a New Era, : Vojtech Mastny & Jan Zielonka, (eds.), (Boulder & Oxford: West­view Press, 1991).

“Eastern Europe in Transition,” in After the Revolutions: East-West Trade and Technology Transfer in the 1990s, Gary K. Bertsch, Heinrich Vogel, and Jan Zielonka, editors, (Boulder & Oxford: Westview Press, 1991).

“The Assertion of Democratic Movements,” in Restructuring Eastern Europe. Towards a New European Order, Ronald J. Hill & Jan Zielonka, editors, (Aldershot, England: Edward Elgar, 1990).

“The Setting for Change,” (with Ronald J. Hill), in Restructuring Eastern Europe. Towards a New European Order, Ronald J. Hill & Jan Zielonka, editors, (Aldershot, England: Edward Elgar, 1990).

“Law as a Source of Legitimacy in the Communist State,” in The Distinc­tiveness of Soviet Law, F.J.M. Feldbrugge, editors. (Dordrecht, Boston, and Lancaster: Martinus Nijhoff Publ.,1987).

W j. holenderskim:

“De oostwaartse uitbreiding van de Europese Unie: socialistisch ontwerp, liberale uitkomst.” [Eastern Enlargement of the EU: socialist design, liberal outcome] Liberaal Reveil, no 6, 2001.

“Oud en nieuw denken over Europa.” [Old and New Thinking about Europe] Transaktie, no 2, 1990.

“De rehabilitatie van de politiek: Democratische bewegingen in Oost-Europa.” [The rehabilita­tion of Politics: Democratic Move­ments in Eastern Europe] Socialisme en Democratie, no 4, 1990.

“Het nieuwe denken van Gorbatsjov: vormt de Sovjetunie nog een bedreiging?” [Gorba­chev’s New Thinking and the Soviet Threat] Internationale Spectator, October 1989.

“Oost-Europabeleid: van diplomatiek naar strategisch concept.” [Dutch Ostpolitik: from a diplomatic to a strategic con­cept] Internationale Spectator, January 1989.

“Veiligheid door Paneuropese samenwerking.” [Security Through Pan-European Coopera­tion], Europa – Speelbal of Medespeler. Europese Machtspo­litiek in Verleden en Toekomst, H. Houweling and J.G. Siccama, editors. (Antos: Baarn, 1988).

“Gorbatjovs nieuwe koers: dilemma’s voor het Westen.” [Gor­bachev’s New Course and Western Dilemmas]. Interna­tionale Spectator, August 1987.

“Het Europese Beleid van Nederland: een Poolse visie.” [The European Policy of the Nether­lands]. De Gids, no. 2, 1987.

“Het Buitenlandse Beleid van de Sovjet Unie: doestel­lin­gen,ach­tergronden en uitvoer­ing.” [The Foreign Policy of the Soviet Union]. Atlan­tische Commis­sie, Studi­ebr­ief no. 14, 1986.

“Twee Percepties van Europa. (Two Perceptions of Europe),” Europa, Eenmaal Andermaal, in: G.v. Benthem v.d. Berg, D. Hellema and H. de Lange, editors, (Amsterdam: Jan Metz Publ., 1985).

W j. niemieckim:

“Konterrevolution. Der Rückzug des liberalen Europa,” (Frankfurt: Campus, 2019)

“Europa 2040: Spielarten des Scheiterns,” International Politik, May/June 2019.

“Die EU und das Scheitern demokratischen Experimentierens,” in: Croissant, Aurel/ Kneip, Sascha/ Petring, Alexander (Hrsg.) Demokratie, Diktatur, Gerechtigkeit. Festschrift für Wolfgang Merkel, (Wiesbaden, Springer, 2017).

“Die EU als Imperium. Auf dem Prüfstand Modelle politischer Ordnung,” OstEuropa, no 5-6, 2011.

“Europa als Empire,” Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, no. 3, 2007.

“Die Sicherheit in Europa und die schlesische Frage,” Aanerkannt als Minderheit, Hans van der Meulen (Hrsg.), (Baden Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft , 1994).

“Sicherheit in Europa: Neue Ordnung oder Neue Anarchie?” Ordung zwischen Gewaltproduktion und Friedensstiftung, Klaus Dieter Wolf (Hrsg) , (Baden Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1993).

“Das Programmatische Credo von Solidarnosc,” OstEuropa, no. 2, 1986.

“Ideelle Grundlagen der gesellschaftlichen Selbstve­rteidigung in Polen.” OstEuropa, no. 1, 1985.

“Die Bewegung der gesellschaftlichen Selbstverteidigung in Polen.” OstEuropa, no. 2, 1985.

W j. francuskim:

“L’Union Européenne, agent mondial de la démocratie,” Annuaire français de relations internationals, Vol. 9 (2008)

“Le paradoxes de la politique étrangerè polonaise,” Politique Étrangère, Vol. 59, No. 2 (1994).

“Le stratégie non-violente de Solidarnosc,” Les Stratégies Civiles de Défense, St. Etienne 1987.

“Stratégie non-violente en Pologne?” Alternatives. Non-violen­tes, no. 53-54, 1984.

W j. włoskim:

“Democrazia Miope. Il tempo, lo spazio e la crisi della politica,” (Roma: Laterza 2023)

„Controrivoluzione. La Disfatta dell’Europa Liberale”, (Roma: Laterza 2018)

„Disintegrazione. Come salvare l’Europa dall’Unione europea”, (Roma: Laterza, 2015)

“Come l’ultimo allargamento ha cambiato l’Europa, “ Italianieuropei, No. 3 (2008)

“La politica dell’allargamento dell’Unione europea,” Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbbliche, No. 1 (2004).

“La diversità come ricchezza nell’Ue allargata,” La Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, No. 1 (2004).

“L’allargamento e est dell’Unione Europea. Paradigmi, politiche e prassi,”  La Polis Europea, Sonia Lucarelli, ed., (Trieste: Asterios Editore, 2003).

“La Difesa Europea senza illusioni,” Quaderni del Circolo Rosselli, Vol. 21, No. 3 (2001).

W j. tureckim:

“Avrupa’da Yeni-Ortaça Düzeninin Yükselii”, Disiplinlerarasi çalimalar dergisi, No. 2 (2007).

W j. słowackim:

“Spoloná zahraniná a bezpenostná politika EU,”  Európska Integrácia, Peter Sykora, editor, (Bratislava: Formát, 2000).

W j.polskim:

„Stracona Przyszłoś i jak ją odzyskać,” (Warszawa: PostFactum, 2023)

„Kontrrewolucja. Liberalna Europa w odwrocie,” (Warsaw: Polskie Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 2018).

„Koniec Unii Europejskiej?” (Warsaw: Polski Instytut Spraw Miedzynarodowych, 2015).

„Europa jako Imperium. Nowe spojrzenie na Uni Europejska,” (Warsaw: Polski Instytut Spraw Miedzynarodowych, 2007).

“Polska w centrum europejskiego imperium,” Sprawy Miedzynarodowe, Vol. LXI, No. 1 (2008).

Eseje na temat stosunków międzynarodowych, teorii polityczno-prawnej i polityki porównawczej opublikowane w: Państwo i Prawo, Acta Universitatis Vratislaviensis, Praca i Zabezpieczenie Społeczne, Kultura i Kontakt.

W j. koreańskim:

Counter-Revolution: Liberal Europe in Retreat (Seoul 2020) 

Is the EU Doomed? (Seoul 2015)

W j. łotewskim:

Counter-Revolution: Liberal Europe in Retreat (Tallin 2020)