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Online Journal Modelling the New Europe – artykuł dr hab. M. Grabowskiej, prof. ucz.

5 maja 2022


W najnowszym numerze Online Journal Modelling the New Europe ukazał się artykuł dr hab. Marty Grabowskie, prof. ucz. pt. „Legal, political and organizational aspects of cybersecurity in the European Union”


Pani Profesor porusza w nim temat rozwoju i aktualnej sytuacji w zakresie politycznych, prawnych i organizacyjnych aspektów bezpieczeństwa cybernetycznego w Unii Europejskiej. Abstrakt poniżej:

The main objective of the article is to present the development and the current situation with regard to political, legal and organizational aspects of cybersecurity in the European Union. The European Communities entered the information society era later than the US and Japan did. Following the Lisbon Strategy, however, the European Union has been developing it dynamically, and one of the main elements of these activities is cybersecurity. It has been increasingly a crucial point of safety of the whole virtual environment since the rising and such rapid development of information and communications technologies. The article presents a short history of the development of the information, digital and gigabit society in the European Union according to its subsequent long-term strategies, emphasising on the analysis of the development of European Union activities as regards cybersecurity in the political, legislative and organisational aspects. Some Polish threads are included, too. The paper is a result of a longstanding observation by the Author of the development of the information society in the European Union, is based on the EU’s official documents, national and international reports, visits, expert studies, and literature on the subject. The study shows that the activities implemented by the European Union are very often of a pioneering character on a world scale, apply system solutions, and are characterised by the logic of the sequence of endeavours made to ensure a high level of cybersecurity in its territory. These seem to be effective as shown by the high position of the European continent in cybersecurity rankings in the world.


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Czasopismo indeksowane jest w bazie Web of Science oraz: SCOPUS, ERIH PLUS, ProQuest, EBSCO, Ulrich’s Web, CEEOL, DOAJ, J-Gate, Scipio, DRJI.


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